Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine promotes healing with growth
factors that encourage your body’s natural processes to
initiate soft tissue reconstruction and repair, and prevent
or reduce the formation of scar tissue while reducing pain
and inflammation, Dr. Markison explained.Have you started to experience chronic pain or limited mobility? Are you frustrated with the lasting effects of an injury? Regenerative medicine is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment process that stimulates your body’s natural healing processes to effectively reduce pain. Explore the possibilities of treatment during a consultation with our qualified professionals.
What is Regenerative Medicine?
Regenerative Medicine is a treatment process that promotes healing with growth factors and encourages your body’s natural growth processes.
Regenerative medicine may be used to:
Encourage soft tissue reconstruction and repair
Prevent or reduce the formation of scar tissue
Reduce pain and inflammation
A consultation with our professionals can help you determine if this therapeutic treatment could help manage or reduce your frustrating symptoms.
Schedule Your Consultation!
Growth factors may offer unparalleled benefits in encouraging healing of a variety of conditions. Contact us today and schedule your consultation to learn more about regenerative medicine therapy and the diverse benefits it may have to offer. Our dedicated professionals can help you best understand your options and how you may benefit.