Photo Fractional (IPL plus ResurFX)


What is Photofractional™?

Photofrational™ is a complete skin rejuvenation solution that enables your laser technician to treat a range of skin concerns during one treatment, including sun spots, age spots, broken capillaries, acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, and more. The treatment can be performed almost anywhere on the body, including the face, neck, chest, arms, legs, hands, and even the abdomen. Photofractional™ combines the power of  Intensed Pulsed Light and  non-ablative laser resurfacing. This power duo simultaneously improves skin texture and skin tone in the same treatment session.

How does Photofractional™ work?

IPL technology utilizes wavelengths of light that are attracted to the pigment and superficial blood vessels in your skin. Dark spots, sun damage, and broken capillaries absorb the energy from the laser. As a result, pigment damage progressively lightens, and broken blood vessels close down and eventually disappear. Your skin is left clearer, more even, and much brighter!
ResurFX™ uses a fractionated laser beam to create a grid of tiny thermal injuries on the surface of your skin. Your laser technician can control your treatment depth to address common concerns such as acne scarring, enlarged pores, and stretch marks. ResurFX™ stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers in the deeper layers of your skin, which results in firmer, smoother, and tighter skin over time.
As the days pass, you’ll see a clearer and brighter skin tone begin to emerge. As the weeks and months progress, your skin will appear firmer, smoother, and tighter. Although great results are seen with only one photo fractional treatment, a series of at least three are recommended to experience the best results, especially in the case of acne scarring, stretch marks, and deeper wrinkling.



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